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Sean McEvoy

Member, Ridgefield Board of Education

Chair, BOE Budget and Finance Committee

     I've lived in Ridgefield for 24 years. I'm a proud parent of two accomplished daughters who graduated from our school district. Their success is a testament to the quality education Ridgefield provides, and I'm dedicated to ensuring that every child in our district has the same opportunity.


My day job is in Information Technology, driving budgets of $100m and more, but I have a lot of "fake jobs".  I'm the Director of the town CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) for the past 10 or so year, handling storm response, vaccine clinics and pandemic response, training and readiness and interface to the town and state public safety apparatus. I'm also an FAA Safety Team "Dronepro", supporting FAA drone education in the region.


Favorite hobby or activity: In my limited spare time, I like to spend time reading "a book a day" at the beach in Maine, and learning how the "empty nest" thing works

What office are you running for?

What are the main issues facing the Board of Education?

Ridgefield Board of Education

My primary goal is to ensure that every child in Ridgefield receives the support they need to overcome any learning setbacks caused by the pandemic. I am dedicated to working closely with the administration to introduce innovative curricula that will empower our students for success in an ever-changing world. Our collaborative board-administration partnership has already led to creative solutions, such as introducing cost-effective transportation alternatives like small vans.

Why are you the right candidate for the Board of Education this year?

I firmly believe that the Board of Education should transcend politics and focus solely on the well-being of our students. By fostering a harmonious relationship between the board, administration, and parents, we can ensure that each child's needs are met and that our schools continue to thrive.

What do you hope to accomplish if elected?

I'd love to continue to be deeply involved in the budget process.  In the past couple of years I've helped bring additional transparency to the process, and using my experience I've helped the district "think differently" with respect to how we approach various budget drivers to help keep our budget increases in line with resident expectations.

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