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A Message from the RTC 


Ballets over Bullets

Dear Fellow Ridgefield Republicans,


I hope this reflection finds you and your family well on this sunny Sunday morning. My apologies for the tardiness of my reflections on the assassination attempt last evening of President Trump. I needed time to decompress and channel my thoughts into a unifying message. I hope to do that this morning.


First, let us thank God that President Trump is safe and secure. The Ridgefield Republican Party extends our heartfelt prayers for the person who lost their life last evening and all those who were injured. Additionally, our deepest gratitude and thanks goes out to the brave men and women of the Secret Service, Law Enforcement, First Responders and regular citizens who selflessly risked their own security to assist at the time of need. These people are heroes who should be recognized and celebrated. “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends (John 15:13).”


I suppose we all knew this moment would come. I keep hearing about preserving democracy. However, why are we trading bullets for ballots? What was democratic about an innocent person losing their life or being mortally wounded for the crime of attending a rally in support of their candidate for President? News reports are asking about the motive for such a heinous act. The motive is simple. A 20-year-old has been fed a negative narrative about President Trump for half of his life. Children are impressionable. Unfortunately, he believed what he was told. The rote messages of indignation ring hollow. One person is dead, two severely injured and an assassination attempt of the 45th President of the United States took place last evening around 6:15 PM. It’s that simple.


I recall when President Reagan was shot in 1981. When Mrs. Reagan appeared at the hospital, President Reagan quipped “honey, I forgot to duck.” Thank God President Trump ducked last night. Upon entering surgery, Reagan’s great sense of humor said to the attending surgeon “I hope you are all Republicans.” To that Doctor Giordano, a Democrat, replied "today, Mr. President, we are all Republicans." It is this spirit I ask that this toxic rhetoric be toned down. The political tension is too high. We need to dial it back. I’ve said it before and I’ll repeat myself this morning, we are all Ridgefielders. We are friends, neighbors, and we coach each other’s children in local sports. We attend religious services together. Our children are friends. I am calling on all of you to help put an end to this unneighborly hate. This needs to stop.


In closing, I offer an olive branch of peace. A spirited political season should be hard fought but, in the end, unifying, not destructive. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God (Mathew 5:9 The Beatitudes).


God Bless you all, and God Bless America.

Greg Kabasakalian

Chairman, Ridgefield Republican Town Committee

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