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Town Charter Revision Meeting

Thu, May 18



Town Charter Revision Meeting
Town Charter Revision Meeting

Time & Location

May 18, 2023, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Ridgefield, 400 Main St, Ridgefield, CT 06877, USA

About the event

Thursday, 6:30 pm, in the Town Hall Annex.  Weekly agendas and minutes are posted on the town website. Residents may also send emails or letters with written suggestions to the Commission (Ridgefield Town Hall, 440 Main St.).

The Town Charter is comparable to a state’s constitution or an organization’s by-laws. Because

it defines the basic authorities and operating rules of the town, it directly affects each resident.

State law determines how and when the town’s charter can be changed.

Charter changes run the gamut, from significant shifts in the structure of town government to

small edits that clarify wording. In the last charter revision cycle, proposed changes included

separating the Inland Wetlands Board from the Planning and Zoning Commission (which was

approved by voters), and converting the positions of the town’s treasurer and tax collector

from elected to appointed (both of which were rejected by the voters).

To read the charter, or for more information on the current commission or past charter

changes, go to the town’s website. For reminders of upcoming charter revision public hearings,

sign up for ‘general government notifications’ on Ridgefield Alerts.

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